Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Social Media

The social media component to Freedom of the Press Group is why we are so popular. We utilize an arsenal of weapons to enact change at the city, school, state level: YouTube. Blogs. Twitter. When public officials don't hold up to their oaths, and are not accountable or responsible to the people, we then must use the electronic, social media to force about change in behavior. Elected officials hate YouTube, but it is only those who are not in public service for the right reasons that we must use these methods of demanding accountability.

Every newspaper has a YouTube channel, every newspaper has a Facebook profile so that readers, voters and activists can post questions, start discussions or use the tools of social media to find out what is going on in their towns or areas. Brandon P. Reed, our executive editor, is our guru when it comes to the social media component. He designs and can design virtually every bit of our sites.

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