Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is the most integral part of Freedom of the Press Group's mission: we will influence the direct outcome of an election, either for city council races, school board races or other elections. Why is it that elections are so important? Because to have a free society, one in which the elected representatives allow for the free society, one must have a free press. We are that free press, but we need and depend on honest, accountable elected officials not afraid to go against the grain, or to vote no on matters. FOTP Group staff might even be candidates themselves. And no, there exists no policy prohibiting our staff from seeking office, nor would they be required to step down to focus on campaigning. It is simply a collective of individuals with their own desire to see change.

And if that change were in elected office, FOTP Group would support them. However, when one of us becomes one of them, we apply the same standards. But, the elections are just one part of our mission. How can we publish and justify publishing if voters and candidates won't rise up and rid the elected representatives of their stranglehold on power? Even if we are not successful in taking out an elected or public official, we must seek to change what they do and how they do it. Our track record is already a monumental success. Stories and articles and videos on our various media components have cost corrupt people their jobs, or severely limited the actions of a few bad decisions.

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