Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is the most integral part of Freedom of the Press Group's mission: we will influence the direct outcome of an election, either for city council races, school board races or other elections. Why is it that elections are so important? Because to have a free society, one in which the elected representatives allow for the free society, one must have a free press. We are that free press, but we need and depend on honest, accountable elected officials not afraid to go against the grain, or to vote no on matters. FOTP Group staff might even be candidates themselves. And no, there exists no policy prohibiting our staff from seeking office, nor would they be required to step down to focus on campaigning. It is simply a collective of individuals with their own desire to see change.

And if that change were in elected office, FOTP Group would support them. However, when one of us becomes one of them, we apply the same standards. But, the elections are just one part of our mission. How can we publish and justify publishing if voters and candidates won't rise up and rid the elected representatives of their stranglehold on power? Even if we are not successful in taking out an elected or public official, we must seek to change what they do and how they do it. Our track record is already a monumental success. Stories and articles and videos on our various media components have cost corrupt people their jobs, or severely limited the actions of a few bad decisions.


Freedom of the Press Group newspapers are print papers -- not simply PDF documents posted online. We claim the fundamental role of journalism, but use a vast array of ammunition to do our jobs. FOTP Group uses social media, our printing presses and public meeting citizens comments forums to demand accountable, responsible public servants. The newspaper's first role is to be a watchdog on our local governments. Anything beyond that is secondary. That is why you won't find our newspapers contain stories of high school athletics, or recipes, or quilting stories. That is not to say we won't print those types of stories, but our mission and focus is that of creating a market for the truth. We put the word "multi" in multimedia.

Social Media

The social media component to Freedom of the Press Group is why we are so popular. We utilize an arsenal of weapons to enact change at the city, school, state level: YouTube. Blogs. Twitter. When public officials don't hold up to their oaths, and are not accountable or responsible to the people, we then must use the electronic, social media to force about change in behavior. Elected officials hate YouTube, but it is only those who are not in public service for the right reasons that we must use these methods of demanding accountability.

Every newspaper has a YouTube channel, every newspaper has a Facebook profile so that readers, voters and activists can post questions, start discussions or use the tools of social media to find out what is going on in their towns or areas. Brandon P. Reed, our executive editor, is our guru when it comes to the social media component. He designs and can design virtually every bit of our sites.


There are numerous ways to contact Freedom of the Press Group or the staff (see Staff page), but for corporate information, contact president/publisher Joey G. Dauben this way:
Cell: 214-281-0416 (text or call)
P.O. Box 221
Palmer, TX 75152

The various reporters, editors are on the Staff page.


Freedom of the Press Group expansion consists of two crucial things in each town, city or county we launch our newspapers in:

  • Money
  • People ("investors")
FOTP Group is not yet a News Corp. or an or a bank account-flush entity. Yet. We believe we will get there, and soon, but we must depend on the financial resources and backing of the people in the towns, cities and counties to keep our paper going after the first issue. So far, it has been a smashing success. The popularity of our "investors" (the people who fund our papers) has been so great that we are having problems fulfilling all the requests to expand. That's a great problem to have!

Whether our investors are anonymous or public, it does not matter. We jokingly like to say that FOTP Group is structured like a "drug cartel." We have distribution people, we have spies, we have sources, leaks and the lookouts, and we have the infrastructure in each town, city and county that relays to us the information, resources and helps deliver our papers.

The first-ever issue is a required 700-copy press run. That means that in any city, town or county, approximately 700 copies of the paper must be printed and given out -- for free and/or sold (the stores and merchants keep the proceeds at first.) This is designed to "seed" the market and poll the popularity of our papers.

Unlike some newspapers and media companies, we do not -- and never will -- refer to our papers as merely "products." We offer services to towns, cities and counties, and people, so that they can reclaim their lives and living areas from the clutches of corrupt politicians.

Investors don't always have to be advertisers, though. In fact, most of our investors are simply people who want to be behind the scenes, but still see the work we do come out in the open to seek changes in various governments. FOTP Group, naturally, is criticized for such an approach. But we cannot ourselves be bought or sold. If an investor is an elected official, for example, we will apply the same standards on them as we would anyone else. That's what is unique and independent about FOTP Group: we practice what we teach.


There are many photos, videos and a plethora of interesting, funny things that one can find when browsing Freedom of the Press Group's many, many Facebook albums and on Google searches. Check back to this page periodically to see more evidence of our work and our culture.


Freedom of the Press Group staff includes many people from various walks of life, but with one shared vision: to expose political corruption and hold public officials accountable. Some, however, seek to do that and educate people on alternatives to things such as food, diet, exercise and quality of life issues. The core group of FOTP Group:

Joey G. Dauben
(though he checks and monitors the "publisher@" e-mail addresses for each paper)

Brandy L. Owen
Managing Editor

Brandon P. Reed
Executive Editor

Brannon Bridge
Video Editor
Add him on Facebook

Brandon Chance
Ad Director
Add him on Facebook

Lisa Fussell
Collin County Editor
The Frisco Fountain

Isaac Albert ("old man")

Lori Walkup
Johnson County Editor
Add her to Facebook

Columnists, Writers, Photographers, Fans, Supporters
Dick Austin
Mary Stacks
Mark Smith
Elizabeth Thomason
Amanda Lee
Rachel Funk
Jurassica Lee

Editor Emeritus
Bill Collier
Add him to Facebook


Freedom of the Press Group newspapers are available in 34 markets (and growing) in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. The expansion plans of FOTP Group are increasing at an alarming rate, with plans to launch newspapers in New York, California and New Hampshire.

The 12-page FOTP Group newspaper is typical of a small-size town newspaper: emphasis on small-size. We are a growing set of 8.5x11-size newspapers. Each paper has the Directory on Page 3. It is a requirement that Page 3 of every paper hold the photos and data of local elected officials, whether that is the city council, school board, state and federal officials, etc. Page 7 is the spiritual core of our entire existence. We are unabashedly pro-life, pro-liberty and we will stand up for Biblical, Torah-based Christian (or Messianic) principles. Please click this link to see an example of The Palmer Post, the very first publication Freedom of the Press Group originated from.

While it is not a requirement for individual writers, editors, columnists, executives or contributors to FOTP Group to hold a lock-step belief with the publisher, each individual is empowered by the knowledge and belief that they can, will and must make a difference in the world by being honest, accountable, responsible and relentless.

We are not just simply a media company. We are the marketing arm of the Messianic Kingdom.